“Winter is the time to train and get faster in Florida. First few months I was not making great progress on my surfski following a slowly evolving workout routine based on Jack Daniel's Running Formula and Greg McMillian's tricks (worked great for running). Now nearing the end of the fast season in FL and actually realizing big gains in fitness, speed, and K1 stability thanks to Jesse's training program and wealth of competitive paddling knowledge. Thanks Jesse Lishchuk!
Went from being stuck at 8.0 mph for 3 minutes on and 2 minutes off at end of Jan 2024, to hitting 8.2 mph over intervals with less rest just a few weeks ago [April 2024]. Now hitting 8.34 mph average for 5x 4 min pushes, and in a K1! In Feb I couldnt do a doggone windsprint in a K1!”