Paddler Stories

Joel Pekosz (Massachusetts)

“I met Jesse at a clinic following a race in Rhode Island. I was impressed with the quality of information he provided and his presentation. Learning that he offered online and virtual coaching, I realized it was the path to elevate my paddling skills. Jesse's coaching style is direct yet professional and kind, providing the necessary tools and advice.”

Joe White (Ohio)

“Thank you Coach Jesse Lishchuk for creating the perfect fitness plan. I have limited time to train every day and Jesse came up with a schedule I could work with. I only had one dedicated day on the water and the rest of my workouts were done on an erg or running. Most weeks I was able to get on the water more than planned.

As USCA National Championships got closer, I felt strong and fit. I was able to be a safety boat for the youth sprints on Thursday, 4 hours on the water. And then race 12.5 miles, 3 days in a row. I felt ready every day.

I highly recommend Jesse's coaching and training plans. This is the second year I have used him to write a program for me.”

Jason Larkin (Florida)

“Winter is the time to train and get faster in Florida. First few months I was not making great progress on my surfski following a slowly evolving workout routine based on Jack Daniel's Running Formula and Greg McMillian's tricks (worked great for running). Now nearing the end of the fast season in FL and actually realizing big gains in fitness, speed, and K1 stability thanks to Jesse's training program and wealth of competitive paddling knowledge. Thanks Jesse Lishchuk!

Went from being stuck at 8.0 mph for 3 minutes on and 2 minutes off at end of Jan 2024, to hitting 8.2 mph over intervals with less rest just a few weeks ago [April 2024]. Now hitting 8.34 mph average for 5x 4 min pushes, and in a K1! In Feb I couldnt do a doggone windsprint in a K1!”

Richard Koppel (New Jersey)

“Some reflections from yesterday’s race. First I think the training worked very well. In the past I would do a couple of 9 mile time trials before in the weeks before the race. With this program I did some 5k’s and some long paddles with some speed work mixed in. I wondered if I could hold the 5K speed for 15 K’s. The answer was an overwhelming yes. In fact during the race I could always reach a little deeper for some extra speed. Although in the pictures of me I looked like Jabba the Hutt, when I sat up, brought up my hands on the catches we picked up speed.”